Thursday, November 6, 2008


Often we go through each day and don't actually allow ourselves to be "inthe moment" of life. We are busy capturing the moment on our iPhone, or camera. We are contemplating what we'll post to Facebook to share the moments. We sometimes excitedly jump ahead of the game instead of standing still to embrace the moments at hand.

On Tuesday night during the excitment of the election, I was home withEmerson. Jack took Makenzie on a date to a party, and Emerson went to Baby Boot Camp with me and then home to watch CNN. When driving home I turned my Blackberry off and while eager to text my friends throughout the results, I decided not to. I wanted to just "be" with Emerson and truly remember the monumental evening. That I did.

Emerson and I had a nice dinner, with her "razzie faces" making her food fly everywhere... but I soaked it all up. She followed dinner with a half hour bubble bath with more bubbles than a bath of 3 kids would have and was laughing the whole time. When it came time to cozy up, read stories and rock to sleep was close to the 8 o'clock hour. I rocked with her falling asleep in my arms as my eyes were glued to CNN. The moment she succomed to her blissful sleep face was when the results were called and Obama was announced our Future President. It was a historical moment that was exciting across the board for Americans. I looked at Emerson with tears in my eyes capturing the moment in my mind at exactly where I was and how special and innocent she looked.

I invite you to take hours out of the day when your phone and computers are turned off. Allow yourself to disengage from the world and just be in your own world with your kiddos and family. Those are the moments to remember and truly enjoy.

Be well all- Erin Shirey

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