I can’t believe it is April 15th, and we have 2 weeks left of this month. Wowzers, time flies! How are you doing with your Earth LOVE Challenge Points? Have you been feeling “greener” each day? Are you thinking more effectively when turning off the lights, computer, water when brushing teeth? Are you trying to walk to class instead of drive, and are you registered for the Run Like the Cheetah? Are you reusable plastic containers for your kiddos snacks instead of plastic baggies? Are you keeping showers short (heck- we’re lucky if we can get them with our crazy lives ladies)?
I myself had some questions in regards to the calculating of points, and know some of you had too. I checked the forum for other Franchise Owners questions and ideas throughout the country. Below are some good Q&A in regards to Challenge Points:
Q. For example if you turn off the water while brushing your teeth: Do you count every time you do it?
A. Yes, 1 pt every time they do it -- this will encourage them to make it a habit if they do it every time over a month.
Q. For the points I noticed that some of them would be something that you would do once and keep it this way forever such as changing your freezer temp but some might be something you can do each day such as walking to Baby Boot Camp class. Some of the points state that it is 5 points each day but if they are drinking tap water each day (bringing Baby Boot Camp water bottle to class would this count each day?
A. Yes 1 pt each time)
Q. Or if they go to the Farmers Market each weekend would we only count that as 1 point or each time they go.
A. 1 pt each time they go
Q. I just want to be able to clarify to my students which can be done daily so they are getting all the points they can get. Also in regards to the 5K runs we have 4 events coming up this month. Should they be able to get 25 pts for each event or 25 points overall and pick one to come to. (Obviously I’m going to try to get them to come to all of them but didn’t know if I can count each thing we have planned or if it would be an overall 25 pts for them to attend one?)
A. Part of April and the points is to encourage participation and healthy actions -- like 5 K runs -- so they can count 25 pts for each race they participate in -- for potentially 100 pts it sounds like. Whoo-hooo! Way to bring it!
Q. I see that everyone can participate in this last month if they pay the $26 which would go straight to Healthy Child, correct? And if so would they be entered in the drawings also? I just want to make sure I am promoting this correctly to my new students.
A. It's really up to you how or if you want to charge for the last month of the Challenge. Our suggestion is how you understand it -- if they pay $26 as a donation to, then yes, they would be eligible for the national prizes (plus it's tax deductible for them!). If they don't pay any kind of registration fee, they can still participate and you can count their points for local prize giveaways, but they would not be eligible to win national prizes, nor would you be able to count them in your team's Planet Point totals.
Q. Do they get points for each time they do something. For example, do they get points for each day that they use a re-usable water bottle vs. grabing a plastic one from the store?
A. Yes.
Q. What if you participate in more than one 5k, can you keep getting the points? Also if my moms encouraged friends and family to do the 5k as well do they get points for those friends and family members? Also, if we carpool to an event can we receive a point for this?
A. Yes.
Q. If someone uses reusable grocery bags 4 times in April do they get 4 points? Or just one point for each action?
A. If they use reusable grocery bags 4 times in April they would get 4 points.
With these 2 weeks, I CHALLENGE YOU to two focus ideas in addition to your regular being “green” challenge.
Thursday, April 16th- Wednesday, April 22nd:
Walk/Run/Skip/Gallop/Hop to class every day. Trina S. and I were talking about options if you live far from class and came up with- Park 2 – 3 miles from class and it still is less gas and wear on the environment than if you drove the entire way. Your foot power of walking, running, hopping or skipping to class will keep you invigorated before you even start to do jumping jacks and push ups in class time. It also gives you time to just “be” in the environment for a bit and enjoy the flowers and Spring beauty around you. Wear your pedometer from Cardio Month and see how many steps you add to your day- challenge yourself to park further each day if driving partway. ie: When teaching at THPRD Monday and Wednesday, I will park at the Cedar Hills New Seasons and run to teach class. Need to go there after class, and why not combine it all and get a run in. Used and it is 2.7 miles from New Seasons to THPRD entrance.
Thursday, April 23rd- Wednesday, April 30th:
Gdiapers and Cloth Diapers week! You might have been doing this for a while, and you may have and stopped because of the additional time required. For the last week of the Challenge, challenge yourself to use a more environmental diaper option than disposable. I am picking up gDiapers coupons for everyone and if you are currently using disposable the inserts can be either flushed down the toilet or disposed in the garbage. They are actually based out of Portland, a fantastic company to Baby Boot Camp Portland and Beaverton and will host a Q&A with us on how to use g’s if need be. For Cloth Diapers, any Moms use them, and why not borrow a few from a friend to try them out this week and see if you can make the change for your lifestyle. Instructor Anne K. did a lot of research on cloth diapers and can answer any questions.
I personally used gDiapers at first and then switched to disposable. I have been eager to switch back to g’s or cloth and am using this week to do so with Emerson. It will be a challenge for my family too, but a challenge in the best way!
Please make sure to register for the Run for the Cheetah! It will be a fun race and make sure to wear your Mother LOVE Fitness Challenge Shirt! I have quite a few and your shopping bags at my place. If anyone wants to come by tomorrow, Thursday April 16th, between 4:00-6:00pm to pick them up please let me know. I can arrange to be here and have them for you to pick up.
Run for the Cheetah
Sunday, April 26, 2009, Oregon Zoo, 4001 SW Canyon Rd, Portland, Oregon
8:30 am 8K Run/Walk
We will have one LAST CHALLENGE MEETING- Saturday, April 25th, 4:00 pm-5:30 pm. Come ready to laugh, celebrate how far you have come and also do stairs. Please RSVP if you can attend.
I encourage you to practice the fitness and cardio work you focused on Month One and Month Two.
Thursday, April 16th- Wednesday, April 22nd- Do 20 minutes extra cardio each day, 70 push ups, 3x1 minute planks, and 2x2 minute wall sits
Thursday, April 23rd- Wednesday, April 30th- Do 30 minutes extra cardio each day, 100 push ups, 4x1 minute planks, 3x40 Jack Squats
We will be doing final measurements May 1st, 2nd, and 4th. The Challenge Winners will be announced Friday, May 8th, at the 5th Annual Mother’s Day Class Celebration.
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