Throughout the past year, one Mom has been the soft spoken but incredibly big hearted every day. She is reliable, supportive, kind, compassionate and honestly...incredible. Elisa Black is one of the most unassuming women you will ever meet, and she needs a huge pat on the back for all of her hard work. Elisa has not only lost 25 pounds since October, but dropped her cholesterol points and discovered she is a runner.
Elisa has been a regular at the Laurelhurst Park and Lloyd Center Mall classes. She may be rushing in right as class starts, but it is because she has rushed to make class happen regardless of snow, rain or no car. Elisa is eager to welcome any new Mom and be the first to congratulate a fellow Baby Boot Camper on a new goal accomplished or challenge met. I have watcher Elisa in class for a while, but it wasn't until truly getting to know her during the snowstorm classes of December that I experienced her genuine excitement and passion for Baby Boot Camp.
Monday, December 22nd, was full of snow and more snow. I decided to keep class at Lloyd Center for any Mom who could make it. And make it ...she did. Elisa rushed into class bundled and with her jogger tires full of snow. She was so determined to make class she ran 1 mile and took 2 buses in order to get there. Some people may be frazzled after a journey as such, but not Elisa. She was laughing and glad to de-layer and join the class in session. Her excitement for making class, and getting a great workout was beyond genuine and real. She was ebullient to exercise and laughed with Elliot the whole time. Through that dedication Elisa realized she is not only a role model to her son, but to all the other Moms and Dads around her.
Cheers to Elisa! Next time you see her, toast her life that is well lived, contagious joy, and legs that are now beyond strong from doing thousands of squats the past year.
To celebrate Elisa, she gets a date night out
provided byTo celebrate Elisa, she gets a date nig
Elisa has been a regular at the Laurelhurst Park and Lloyd Center Mall classes. She may be rushing in right as class starts, but it is because she has rushed to make class happen regardless of snow, rain or no car. Elisa is eager to welcome any new Mom and be the first to congratulate a fellow Baby Boot Camper on a new goal accomplished or challenge met. I have watcher Elisa in class for a while, but it wasn't until truly getting to know her during the snowstorm classes of December that I experienced her genuine excitement and passion for Baby Boot Camp.
Monday, December 22nd, was full of snow and more snow. I decided to keep class at Lloyd Center for any Mom who could make it. And make it ...she did. Elisa rushed into class bundled and with her jogger tires full of snow. She was so determined to make class she ran 1 mile and took 2 buses in order to get there. Some people may be frazzled after a journey as such, but not Elisa. She was laughing and glad to de-layer and join the class in session. Her excitement for making class, and getting a great workout was beyond genuine and real. She was ebullient to exercise and laughed with Elliot the whole time. Through that dedication Elisa realized she is not only a role model to her son, but to all the other Moms and Dads around her.
Cheers to Elisa! Next time you see her, toast her life that is well lived, contagious joy, and legs that are now beyond strong from doing thousands of squats the past year.
To celebrate Elisa, she gets a date night out
provided byTo celebrate Elisa, she gets a date nig
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